On 18th February 2022, the 1º ESO students participated at a contest that was held at the school facilities. It was called The English Chef and 3 couples integrated by Abraham and Jorge, Sheila and Enma, Manuel and Andrés, had to decorate a pancake following the instructions given by their partners. They had previously written down the recipe.
The first pancake depicted a Father Christmas with a funny hat made of raspberries and yoghurt, and a beard made of banana slices. The winners were Enma and Sheila.
For the second pancake in the contest, the students swapped roles and the chef became the instructor this time.
The second pancake depicted a Night Owl. The ingredients were apples, grapes, cheese, a salty stick and so on. The winners were Jorge and Abraham.
Both winners got a diploma and the other participants got a certificate of attendance.
At the end of the contest, all of the students eagerly ate the pancakes, fruit, cheese and yoghurt as if they hadn’t ever had breakfast!!!!! They were starving and it was only 10 am!!!!